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Rescue your business with a Fast Track CVA

CVA experts with 30 years’ experience

Stop creditor pressure

Breathe new life into your business

Exit Fast Track CVA in just six weeks

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Is A Fast Track CVA For You?

Complete the below form to get started and we’ll try and arrange a CVA on your behalf.

    Have you previously had a CVA?


    What is a Fast Track CVA?

    A Fast Track CVA is an innovative company restructuring procedure that provides a safety net for viable businesses in this time of economic uncertainty. It is an appropriate solution for many SMEs that are struggling with cash flow problems and creditor pressure and allows companies to negotiate the repayment of debts in manageable instalments so that the business itself is given the breathing space to prosper again.

    When implemented efficiently, a Fast Track CVA is an excellent tool that can steer previously profitable businesses out of the red and back into the black whilst satisfying creditors. COVID-19 has put thousands of businesses at risk of collapse through no fault of their own and a Fast Track CVA is an ideal solution if the business itself is still viable but needs the space and time to recover.

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    Sectors using Fast Track CVA





    Financial Services

    Experts in Rescuing Businesses

    Businesses across the UK are struggling but many of them are viable if given the opportunity to survive – and this is what a Fast Track CVA can do.

    The process avoids a lot of the expense and disruption of traditional CVAs and can make the difference between success and failure. We can quickly make a judgement on whether a business is eligible following a free consultation with directors. If this is the case, a Fast Track CVA will enable the company to continue trading, employing staff, and working with its supply chain, whilst creditors will recoup more through a CVA than they would if the business went into liquidation.

    We have a wealth of experience in negotiating with creditors to outline the benefits of a Fast Track CVA as their collective support is key in achieving CVA approval. Maintaining positive relationships with suppliers and customers is an essential part of a Fast Track CVA and this is an area we specialise in.

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    Benefits of a Fast Track CVA

    A Fast Track CVA is an attractive proposition for companies with a viable business that is being hampered by poor cash flow and creditor pressure.

    In Control

    You are still in charge of running your business

    Breathing Space

    Protected from creditor pressure and time to repay debts

    Quick & Efficient

    In most cases, a company can exit a Fast Track CVA in 6 weeks

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    I hadn’t heard of a Fast Track CVA until my accountant recommended the procedure to me following our business struggles related to the Coronavirus pandemic. We knew our business was sound, but accrued tax and overheads during lockdown left us on the brink of collapse. Thankfully, the Fast Track CVA literally saved our business.

    Dylan Thomas
    Dylan Thomas